FXPay Complete


Treat more patients,
capture more revenue

“Pay-over-time” patient financing allows OrthoFX practices like yours to generate higher returns. Find out how much higher.

teeth aligners

FXPay Complete


Payment plans for everyone.

We believe that everyone deserves the gift of a beautiful smile.

Grow your practice with FXPay

No. of patients /mo

Treatment cost

Patients turned down by other financing platforms /mo


Additional OrthoFX aligner patients with FXPay Complete

{model.additionalOrthoFXAlignerPatients | watch model.numPatients}

Total Payout

{model.totalPayout | USD | watch model.treatmentCost}

Current Monthly Revenue

{model.currentMonthlyRevenue | USD | watch model.numPatients model.treatmentCost}

Additional Monthly Revenue

{model.additionalMonthlyRevenue | USD | watch model.numPatients model.treatmentCost}

Revenue Projection with Cash Flow

Current Revenue

Additional Revenue

Additional Annual Revenue

{model.additionalAnnualRevenue | USD | watch model.term model.numPatients model.treatmentCost}

Revenue Increase

{model.revenueIncrease | watch model.term model.numPatients model.treatmentCost}%

Average Patient Financing Breakdown

Treatment cost

{model.treatmentCost | USD}

Less - Down Payment (min.)

{model.lessDownPayment | USD | watch model.treatmentCost}

Total Financed

{model.totalFinanced | USD | watch model.treatmentCost}

Period (months)


{model.apr | watch model.term}%

Monthly Payment Estimate

{model.monthlyPaymentEstimate | USD | watch model.term model.treatmentCost}

Doctor Payout Breakdown Per Patient

Total Payout

{model.totalPayout | USD | watch model.treatmentCost}

Amount paid within 5 days Up to $750 credited

{model.minAmountPaid | USD | watch model.treatmentCost}

Total amount paid at end of the sixth month

{model.totalAmountPaid | USD | watch model.treatmentCost}


FXPay Complete is our financing program that offers payment plans to all of your patients who apply, even those with good to fair credit.

No, there are no financing charges for FXPay Complete on your end. OrthoFX bears all charges.

We find that 33% more patients are able to fulfill their financing obligations than who are typically approved for financing. Offering FXPay Complete allows those patients to receive the treatment they need. However, there are some patients who will be unable to keep up with payments. The risk from this small group defaulting is managed by processing their down payment and insurance benefit at the beginning of treatment.

All patients pay a down payment. Patients with good credit pay 10% of the cost of treatment, fair credit patients pay 30% of the cost of treatment and patients with excellent credit only pay $150 down.

Patients can reduce the amount financed using insurance, which is then directly reimbursed to your office by the insurance company.

Yes, it’s a little different. You will get 10% of the financed amount (up to $750) credited within 5 days of the case being ordered, paid in full and FXPlan approved. The remaining amount is paid in a one-time lump sum after 6 months if the patient adheres to the financing agreement.

Cases financed through FXPay Complete count towards our JumpStart program offered to new OrthoFX practices. However, FXPay Complete cases do not count towards our Summit monthly bonus program.

Any insurance and upfront payments made via OrthoFX is yours to keep. 

Based on our data, 7 out of 10 patients are perfect payers. However, If the patient defaults in the first 6 months, then we share 90% of every monthly payment starting after the 12th payment.

If the patient is due for a second batch of aligners, you can contact your RM or our concierge support team@ 415-936 0006 Monday-Friday 9am PST – 5pm PST or email us [support@care.orthofx.com](mailto:support@care.orthofx.com) to block the manufacturing.

You can use the FXPay Precheck feature in the doctor portal to run a soft check to determine the credit profile and down payment requirements. Based on our data, around 33% of patients fall into the fair or good credit profile.

Please contact your Relationship Manager to find out how to enroll in this program

We will be sending out a monthly report of patients financed through FXPay Complete by e-mail.

As always, OrthoFX does not charge a lab fee.